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SpeedFins Monofin Training Advanced

SpeedFins Monofin Training Advanced

Описание товара: This is a custom made - hand crafted monofin. This is a heavy variation of SpeedFins Monofin Training. Great for finswimmers training. Monofin Training Advanced footpockets enable optimal grip of the fine simmers feet and optimal energy transfer. Monofin Training Advanced blade is covered with a dense neoprene wing, which helps complete the athlete's motion underwater and enables passing a maximal distance with minimal effort. The monofin's blade is made of high end advanced and durable composite fiber to last for years as all SpeedFins blades is hand polished to ensure optimal streamline behavior underwater. Measurement Instruction:

Купить SpeedFins Monofin Training Advanced вы можете в магазине SpeedFins Monofins.

Категория: Диски CD-R

Производитель: SpeedFins
Модель: Monofin Training Advanced
Цена: 12 350.00 RUB
Доставка: возможна доставка

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Магазин: SpeedFins Monofins
Компания: SpeedFins
Сайт: http://speedfins.net/

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