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SpeedFins Monofin Hyper Free Carbon

SpeedFins Monofin Hyper Free Carbon

Описание товара: This is carbon (carbon + fiberglass) version of Monofin Hyper Free Carbon from SpeedFins. Monofin Hyper Free Carbon is one of the most advanced monofins in the world and a carbon blade makes it even lighter and more responsive. Great for depth and swimming pool competitive or recreational freediving. The Hyper Free Carbon monofin has revolutionary cast rubber foot pockets that enable optimal grip of the freedivers feet and the best possible energy transfer. This is the latest freediving monofin from SpeedFins. This handmade crafted monofin introduces an all new revolutionary monofin platform designed specifically for freediving. Designed for maximum efficiency - this is the next generation monofin for freediving from SpeedFins. Hyper Free Carbon monofin blade is covered with positive, negative or neutral buoyancy (you can choose) rubber wing, which helps complete the athlete's motion underwater and enables passing a maximal distance and/or depth with minimal effort. The monofin blade is made of 100% Hi-End advanced and durable carbon and fiber to last for years. This type of monofin is one of the most advanced in the world and is being used by a wide range of athletes for competition or recreation. Each SpeedFin monofin is custom built to match your exact specifications with consideration of your unique physique. Measurement Instruction:

Купить SpeedFins Monofin Hyper Free Carbon вы можете в магазине SpeedFins Monofins.


Производитель: SpeedFins
Модель: Monofin Hyper Free Carbon
Цена: 29 250.00 RUB
Доставка: возможна доставка

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Магазин: SpeedFins Monofins
Компания: SpeedFins
Сайт: http://speedfins.net/

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