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SpeedFins Stereofins Hyper

SpeedFins Stereofins Hyper

Описание товара: This is the advanced freediving and snorkeling fins. Including SpeedFins revolutinary Hyper footpockets for the best possible energy transfer and a new definition of swimming and diving. With a composite fiber - neoprene covered blade and a selection of blade width and stiffness  Stereofins Hyper supply the divers and swimmer with unmatched power, speed and durability. The Fins blade is made from Hi-End and durable composite fiber to last for years. All SpeedFins monofins and fins blades are hand polished to ensure optimal streamline behavior underwater. Measurement Instruction

Купить SpeedFins Stereofins Hyper вы можете в магазине SpeedFins Monofins.


Производитель: SpeedFins
Модель: Stereofins Hyper
Цена: 16 250.00 RUB
Доставка: возможна доставка

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Магазин: SpeedFins Monofins
Компания: SpeedFins
Сайт: http://speedfins.net/

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