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SpeedFins Lifesaving Fins Hyper

SpeedFins Lifesaving Fins Hyper

Описание товара: This is the advanced Rescue and Lifesaving fins. Including SpeedFins revolutinary Hyper footpockets for the best possible energy transfer and a new definition of swimming and diving. With a composite fiber - neoprene covered blade and a selection of blade width and stiffness  Stereofins Hyper supply the divers and swimmer with unmatched power, speed and durability. The Fins blade is made from Hi-End and durable composite fiber to last for years. All SpeedFins monofins and fins blades are hand polished to ensure optimal streamline behavior underwater. Measurement Instruction:

Купить SpeedFins Lifesaving Fins Hyper вы можете в магазине SpeedFins Monofins.

Категория: Мужские плавки

Производитель: SpeedFins
Модель: Lifesaving Fins Hyper
Цена: 16 250.00 RUB
Доставка: возможна доставка

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Магазин: SpeedFins Monofins
Компания: SpeedFins
Сайт: http://speedfins.net/

Просмотры: 1

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